Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Previous content of "Moving Soon"

Update 03-21-08
I'll be moving yet again (this will be the fourth place I've had since putting this website up) sometime between April 10 2008 (at the earliest) and May 01 2008 (at the latest); I don't yet have the new address.
This time, it isn't because of a tragedy or a missed HUD appointment; it's because my sister says the rent here is too high for both of our incomes to pay.
This will be an intracity (within Sacramento CA. USA) move; and very probably in the same general neighbourhood.
More news (and address) as I have it to provide.

Update 03-22-08
The Prometric beam cross-sectional analyser has been dismantled & packed away until I arrive at my new location.
A beam cross-sectional analysis will be posted tomorrow (03-23-08), but that analysis was performed before the instrument was dismantled.
But beyond that, no additional analyses will be possible until after I move to the new location.

Update 03-23-08
Both the backup and instrument computers have now been disconnected and readied for pickup (by the movers), so beam cross-sectional and battery discharge analyses will be on hold until after I've arrived at my new location and set the equipment up.

Update 03-23-08
No, you aren't seeing things.
Yes, a same-day update.
I just heard that we're going to go "month by month" on our lease here; apparently the move will not take place in April as had been previously planned - it has been postphoned for an as-of-yet unknown period of time. This web page will be left up, because moving *IS* inevitable - I just don't know exactly *WHEN* at this time.
The primary reasons are that my sister will be too busy looking after our mother after her hip operation on 04-01-08 and taking care of the dog - who is old and rather ill - this will leave her with insufficient time to look for a new place (a rental house or an apartment).
The Prometric beam cross-sectional analyser has already been packed away; setting it back up will be a rather lengthy process, and isn't something I can simply do "overnight".

Update 03-30-08
The hip operation that my mother was supposed to have on 04-01-08 has been postphoned until 04-07-08; as far as I'm aware, the surgeon's wife croaked, so another surgeon had to be located.
As a result, there is a small but not insiginicant chance that the move could occur by late-April 2008 as originally scheduled, as my sister now has an extra week in which to look for an apartment or rental home. There is no guarantee the move actually *WILL* occur at this time, but the possibility exists.

Update 04-05-08
The hip operation that my mother was supposed to have on 04-07-08 has been postphoned again until 04-14-08; she told me that her new surgeon's wife had a baby last night.

Update 05-06-08
I have learned that the move will take place sometime between late-May and early-June 2008 - approximately 4 to 6 weeks from now.

Update 05-13-08


No, this is not a joke.

My sister told me last night that the new place will have no storage, and that I will ***NOT*** be able to keep nearly this much stuff in my room, so I stand to be forced to leave behind approximately 50% to 70% of everything I own when we move sometime this June.

When this occurs, operations at The LED Museum will be scaled back CONSIDERABLY - though I hope not halted 100%.
Some things *WILL* be kept no matter what, like my yellow & blue DPSS lasers, my violet lasers, at least some of my green DPSS lasers, the spectrometer, the ProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser, at least one variable voltage/variable current power supply, at least two of my three desktop computers, my laptop computer, all of my CDs, at least some of my R/C aircraft, and as many of the flashlights & other items that rated four stars or higher on my website as I can find before moving day. O, and the royal blue Arc-LS - don't want to lose another one of those things ya know - I lost one in mid-2006 when I moved from Seattle to Sacramento, and boy was I urinated.
As a result, the new (but still dreadful) "" icon will be displayed next to an awful lot of products on this website.

Update 05-15-08
I have found homes for all of my beloved ghetto blasters; however I still need to find places for my Commodore CBM 8032 Vintage Computer and Commodore SX-64 Executive Computer. I'd hate to have them get left behind and know that the "big fat meanie" {from SpongeBob SquarePants} (garbage truck) crunched them up.

And I posted an email on the ICON (Insulator Collectors On the Net) mailing list, offering my collection of antique telephone, telegraph, and electric power insulators before the "big fat meanie" gets them too.

I'm also working to find a temporary (loaner) home for the majority of my flashlights & other lighting products; but it may be a week or even more as of this date before I'll know if I'm successful at this.

Update 05-16-08
I have already found a home for my collection of vintage ghetto blasters, and I have fairly good prospects of finding (a) temporary home(s) for the number of my flashlights & lasers that I'd otherwise have to leave behind, but I'm still looking for somebody to take (at least temporary) custody of most of my flying machines (R/C airplanes & helicopters), two vintage Commodore computers, and my insulator collection - at least the large "Muncie combo" that my sister insists I keep in the dark under lock & key because she thinks it's ugly and looks like a gigantic toadstool. :/

MOVING UPDATE...looks like there's a pretty good chance that we'll be moving just a couple of blocks away...I think the complex is called the "The Reserve at Riverlake"; however there is a small but not insignificant chance that I could be mistaken. It's on Rush River Dr. just a hair south of Lake Front Dr. (my address is peppered on thousands of my own web pages on the internet so I do not mind publishing this information here).
The specific date is not yet known, but it will be sometime this June.
When I do move, I will be without internet access and landline telephone anywhere from several days to close to one month - that one month value is not very likely, but the probability is not mathematically zero.

Update 05-16-08
No, you aren't seeing things.
Yes, a same-day update.
ANOTHER MOVING UPDATE...The complex we were going to move to is (as far as I can tell) now out of the running. When we move (sometime between 06-01-08 and 06-10-08), it will be out of this neighbourhood, but as I've been told, another decent neighbourhood.

Update 05-19-08
I've been able to find a home for my insulator collection; so they will not end up in the dustbin (garbage can) or dipsty dumpster after all. We'll be likely moving to what's called the "El Camino neighbourhood" in Sacramento; as I understand, this is a decent neighbourhood with lower-than-average crime, so I will not have to listen to gunfire every day, and I will not have to deal with junkies shooting up behind the dipsty dumpster, gang member wannabees, and other assorted wastoids.

Update 05-19-08
No, you aren't seeing things.
Yes, a same-day update.
I just realised something...if I take the Christmas decorations that mom made for me, and the Christmas lights, that'll be two boxes I'll have to store in my closet at the new place - making it so I have room to store ***TWO LESS*** boxes of flashlights & other items. What a a pisser!!!

Update 05-20-08
I added the "" icon to this website on a temporary basis; denoting products that have been packed away and as a result are currently not available for testing or additional analyses.

Update 05-20-08
No, you aren't seeing things.
Yes, a same-day update.
Well, poo!!!
My sister wants me to get rid of some suff ***RIGHT NOW*** - as in - first thing today.
So I'll definitely be losing at least SOME stuff.

My precious SureFire 10X Dominator in the dustbin...

OOPS!!! Wrong container...I'll be taking it with me.

Update 05-21-08
There is now a fairly high degree of probability that we'll be moving to a place with on-site storage; this means I may not have to leave behind or otherwise dispose of nearly as much as was previously planned.

Update 05-22-08
The target date for the move is now 06-26-08 - if my & my sister's credit reports pass muster with the new apartment management that is.

Update 05-23-08
Here's a map of where I'm hoping to move to:

The green arrow points to where I'll be moving to.
This is still in Sacramento; but is ~15 miles north of my present location.
Northgate Park isn't too far away from here, so I can bring my Flightmaster R/C Airplane, my Transformers Starscream Flyer (another R/C airplane), and my Air Kite Glider (yet another R/C flying machine) with me.

This location is also close to a Raleys food store, a Longs Drugs, The UPS Store, a Wells Fargo Bank, and a Mountain Mike's Pizza - so I'll have everything at the new place that I have access to now - and even signicantly closer than where these places are in relation to my home now.
My address is published on thousands of web pages now, so I do not mind posting this map here.

Update 05-27-08
Our credit reports failed to pass muster with the new apartment landlord, effectively putting the kibash on the new apartment at Delta Pointe that we applied for on Wednesday 05-21-08.
Adapted from a song by Anthrax:
"My life is ruined, but don't look back...I've still got one card in the pack!!!"
Note the above line...if the apartment management will allow our mother to be the primary leaseholder, tenancy here is still possible - if her credit report is up to snuff that is.
But if not, then our search will resume for another apartment.

Looks like I'll be on the move in as soon as 4 days.

Looks like there'll be no moving company either - just my sister and my elderly father - so some of the heavier items may not get moved at all - like the desk I'm typing this on, couches, beds, etc.

Update 05-29-08
Looks like there may a brief (duration as-of-yet known) delay in moving.
I told my sister last night that today would be the last full day that I'd have use of this computer, and she asked me to hold off on that for now because she hasn't yet found a new place.

Update 06-01-08
I found out last night that my sister's and my crappy credit reports are no longer the biggest stumbling block - now it's our income that's too low - even our combined incomes do not meet the criteria set forth by most potential landlords (generally 3x the monthly rent).
We're also going to lose the use of the storage unit here within the next 1 to 3 days, as she's decided to stick it out here at least through June 2008 - but ****canning the onsite storage will save $100.00 a month.

Thankfully, somebody from Oakland picked up my collection of vintage ghetto blasters at ~7:30pm PDT yesterday - I'd hate to see them end up in the dipsty dumpster along with the other stuff of mine in there - including an electric wheelchair with flat rear tires and bad sister says that it can be pushed to the dipsty dumpsters.

(Update 06-02-08): The person who was to fly out of Wisconsin to pick the ghetto blasters up could not make it; he willingfully passed to the next person who had asked for
them (the man from Oakland) in exchange for one of the machines.

Update 06-05-08
Packing is currently at a (a legitimate control line {pin} for 8-bit CPUs) until my sister goes to U-Haul and gets more packing tape - boxes cannot be assembled or closed without the special tape (proprietary roll that is designed to fit their dispenser).

Update 06-10-08
The apartment management says we owe $260.00 (I *HAVE* the money - not a problem here!!!), however my mother (who is in real estate) called me last night and rather emphatically told me ***NOT*** to pay it because she thinks something's fishy WRT our switching from an annual lease to a month-to-month lease.
When she raises a stink about it later today, and if she ends up opening a can of worms and they fall into the water - and we get evicted as a result, I stand to lose nearly ***EVERYTHING*** for these three primary reasons.

1: Having an eviction on our record will put the kibash on all attempts at apartment rentals.
2: If we are evicted, we would not have any place to put my stuff, so I could lose ***EVERYTHING*** - including my electric wheelchair.
3: If we are evicted, I will essentially end up out on the street with no means to get my Rx drugs or even go to the bank once the batteries in my chair poop out. This will soon result in my death. {there is no appropriate emoticon or graemlin to place here}

My father injured himself rather seriously loading & unloading my last electric wheelchair from the back of my mother's Dodge Caravan when I arrived in Sacramento; the chair I'm using now weighs almost 100 lbs more than the chair I had when I moved here, so nobody would be able to load & unload it.

Although this is a somewhat remote possibility, the probability of this occurring is not mathematically zero.

Update 06-10-08
No, you aren't seeing things.
Yes, a same-day update.
As of approximately five minutes ago, looks like we're just going to pay the money and avoid all of the potential bullpoop.
We're just waiting for a callback from my mother, then it's off to the bank, and then to the rental office with the $260.00 money order.
That ought to straighten things out...for the next two and a half weeks anyway.

Update 06-10-08
No, you aren't seeing things.
Yes, another same-day update.
O for heaven mother showed up to start a potential poopstorm with the landlord.

Update 06-11-08
Yesterday's "activities" by my mother did *NOT* give us the 'ol "heave ho". We still owe the $260.00 (as I fully expected we would!), which will get paid today.
In other related news, the move date has been bumped up approximately two weeks to sometime in mid-July; this will be to a temporary apt. for 6 or 7 months - then we'll be on the move Whinnie the Poo might say, "o bother!"

Update 07-03-08
Our 30-day notice has officially been tendered, as of 07-01-08.
And yesterday, we filled out applications for another apartment; though I can no longer remember the name or its address in Sacramento.
We got a new apartment (not the same one we filled out applications for), though I do not yet know when the move date is - but it will be sometime within the next several weeks.
My new address will be:

2025 West El Camino Ave., #139
Sacramento CA. 95833

My address is published all over the WWW, so I do not mind publishing my new address (and the map below) here.

The reddish, upside-down "teardrop" thing with the "A" in it at center/left will be my location.

Update 07-03-08
No, you aren't seeing things.
Yes, a same-day update.
Our move date has officially been set to 08-01-08.
Our "Change of Address" forms for the post office were completed early this afternoon.
I have approximately 1,700 web pages (the vast majority on this website) that need my address changed on them, but I purchased a "Global Search &" program in late-2006 that will make this job go surprisingly well.

Update 07-04-08
As I understand, the El Camino neighbourhood (where we'll be moving to) is a decent neighbourhood with a lower-than-average crime rate; I will not have to listen to gunfire every day, and I will not have to deal with junkies shooting up behind the dipsty dumpster, gang member wannabees, and other assorted wastoids.

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